How to Avoid a Root Canal

How to Avoid a Root Canal

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A root canal is a common dental procedure, yet it is not something most people look forward to. It is a relatively simple treatment that is nothing like the myths, but avoiding it is still preferable when possible. Here are some tips to reduce your risk of tooth decay and damage that may require root canal treatment.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Oral hygiene is your best defense against tooth decay. By brushing your teeth twice a day you remove the majority of the plaque that clings to your teeth. Eliminating plaque reduces your risk of developing cavities that could lead to infection and the need for a root canal.

Floss Once a Day

Flossing is also an important step toward preventing the need for a root canal. Flossing removes plaque from between your teeth and along the gums. One of the most common places for cavities to form that is also difficult to detect is the spaces between your teeth.

Wear a Mouthguard if You Grind Your Teeth

If you grind your teeth you are at a higher risk of cracking a tooth. Chronic teeth grinding gradually weakens the enamel, increasing the chances of developing a crack. A cracked tooth is highly susceptible to infection and typically requires root canal treatment.

Seek Orthodontic Treatment

Teeth that are not in alignment and don’t meet together properly are at a higher risk of tooth decay and cracking. If you seek orthodontic treatment your teeth will be easier to keep clean and are less likely to sustain damage due to a misaligned bite.

Go to the Dentist Twice a Year

Regular dental cleanings and oral examinations can prevent the need for a root canal. Having your teeth professionally cleaned removes plaque that you may miss when brushing and that may build up between brushing. If cavities do form, they can be detected early and treated when they are small with a simple filling before they worsen to the point of infection.

Wear a Mouthguard When Playing Sports

Avoiding dental injury is a good way to avoid root canals. A chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth often requires root canal treatment. Wearing a mouthguard when playing sports can prevent injury and reduce your chances of needing dental treatment.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that restores the health of a tooth. The soft tissue (dental pulp) is removed from the center of the tooth and replaced with a filler material that is resistant to infection. The tooth is thoroughly flushed out and disinfected during the procedure to remove any bacteria and traces of dental pulp. The final step is to place a dental crown over the tooth for protection.

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

Are there alternatives to a root canal?

There may be alternative treatments that could save your tooth, such as a pulpotomy or pulpectomy. In some cases endodontic surgery is needed. Having the tooth extracted is the least desirable option, as you would either have a gap or need a dental prosthetic to replace it.

Can a tooth heal itself without a root canal?

If a tooth is infected it will not be able to heal itself. The only way to eliminate an infection and save the natural tooth is to have a root canal.

Need a Root Canal?

If you have a tooth that may need a root canal, Eagle Endodontics provides root canal treatment. We can assess the condition of your tooth and determine if a root canal is necessary or if it can be avoided.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.