Sedation Dentistry
Lexington and Belmont, MA

Woman holding a cup of tea

Eagle Endodontics provides conscious sedation in Lexington and Belmont, MA. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

We understand that there are children and adults that suffer from dental anxiety and the thought of a root canal only increases that anxiety. That’s why nitrous oxide sedation is an excellent choice for managing any fear or anxiety you may be feeling!

What are the benefits of having nitrous oxide sedation?

  • Nitrous oxide sedation enables the patient to become calm, relaxed and able to tolerate treatment.
  • It can reduce the discomfort associated with the injection of local anesthesia.
  • There is no waiting time to feel the effects unlike valium or xanax.
  • There are limited or no side effects.
  • There are almost no medical contraindication to giving nitrous oxide and there is no drug to drug interaction.
  • They will remain conscious and are fully aware during treatment.
  • Gag reflex and flow of saliva are somewhat decreased.
  • Nitrous oxide wears off quickly with little or no recovery time.
  • The patient does not need an escort.

Dietary Restrictions

  • You may have a light meal up to 2 hours prior to procedure (toast, bagel, fruit, or muffin).
  • You must refrain from dairy, meat, fish and poultry the day of procedure until after you have had your dental procedure completed.
  • You may have clear liquids up to the time of surgery (juice, water, black coffee or tea).
  • There are no driving restrictions.

General Instructions

Nitrous oxide oxygen analgesia works very well for 9 out of 10 patients and makes the oral experience a more pleasant one. One out of 10 patients do not like the feeling they get from the nitrous oxide and another technique will need to be used.

On the day of the procedure, it is permissible for a parent to be in the room during the procedure and in most cases it is a good thing. We discourage 2 parents in the room because it is too distracting for the child and the gas will not work as well as it normally does. During the procedure itself it is good to be supportive of your child, however do not be a “cheerleader.” Keep the talking to an absolute minimum, with no conversation being the best. You will notice that the dental team talks very little and speaks in soft voices of reassurance that require no response. If the child’s attention is gotten in a manner that they need to respond some of the effects of the gas will be lost and the patient may remember everything. That is not desirable.

During the procedure, the child may also cry out and appear that they are in pain. Remember, this is an effect of the gas, as the child is numb and is not actually experiencing any pain. Wait about 5 minutes afterwards before asking the child how the experience was. They probably will not remember much, or nothing at all.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Do you feel pain with sedation dentistry?

Sedation, such as nitrous oxide, is used in combination with local anesthesia to keep patients comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. Nitrous oxide is used to help the patient become relaxed and comfortable.  Then anesthesia is used to numb the tooth so there is no pain during the procedure.

Does dental insurance cover sedation dentistry?

It depends. Dental insurance plans vary greatly. Some will include the cost of sedation, fully or partially. Others - especially basic plans - often do not. Contact your insurance company to discuss your benefits. 

Keep in mind that if your insurance does not cover sedation dentistry, we have various payment methods, as well as financing options, that may help.

Who is a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

Those who are nervous, fearful, or have dental anxiety can benefit from sedation dentistry. It can help the patient relax throughout the procedure - and even allow the endodontist to move more easily through the treatment. Children do well with the treatment, too, though we do recommend one parent being present in the room during the procedure.

Can you drive after nitrous oxide?

Yes. The effects of nitrous oxide will wear off immediately after the gas is turned off so you will not have any problem driving home after the treatment. No escort is needed.

What is the biggest benefit of sedation dentistry?

Many patients who have dental fear or anxiety - or have experienced trauma - often avoid the dentist. This can lead to a significant decrease in oral health. With the help of sedation dentistry, these patients can get the endodontic treatment that they need while remaining at ease and comfortable. It’s a very effective solution.